I'm weird.
I'm also curious, creative, and judgmental. That's why other strange things fascinate me. My husband Richie once said he was going to write a blog about me and my "Community of Weirdness." That was over four years ago. Hasn't happened yet, so I'm just gonna do it here.
This will be a collection of random stuff I find interesting so, hopefully, you will too. Grab a beer, sit down, and feel good about life, because you've just found a new family.
Welcome, Weirdos.
*A headline caught my eye today about a girl who underwent 50 surgeries to look like Angelina Jolie, and I can't tell if it's #fakenews or not. Supposedly, this 19-year-old chick from Iran dreams of transforming into Brad Pitt's ex. She's had numerous cosmetic procedures, and she slimmed down to a mere 88 pounds. Maybe it's just SFX make-up? You be the judge.
From an average teenager into Corpse Bride (Photo credit: @mysterious13467)
*Coincidentally, this is exactly what I look like the morning after Lizard Lounge.
*She reminds of that Venezuelan guy who wanted to become Red Skull from Captain America. So far he's chopped off his nose, tattooed his eyeballs, and paid over $40K to look like the comic book villain. I can think of 40,000 other things to spend my money on but whatevs. He's even got children and a job, to boot. Wanna take a guess at what he does for a living? If you said "school teacher" you're wrong. He's actually a tattoo artist.
The tie classes it up a bit, no? (Photo credit: Henry Rodriguez/ Media Drum World)
*I guess if he ever changes his mind, he can always get a new nose made via 3D printing. A Swedish innovator figured out a way to mix human tissue with ink to create body parts. We're all living in 2017, and they're living in 2077.
Does this come in more of a peachy tone? (Photo credit: Cellink)
*People are inventing ears, meanwhile I can barely figure out how to work Snapchat. What's next? Robots having babies? As a matter of fact, yes. Meet Sophia, who is now an official citizen of Saudi Arabia. She won't be allowed to marry, get a job, or leave the house alone though. Not because she's an android, it's 'cause she's a woman. We're all living in 2017, and they're living in 1817.
*What's your stance on breastfeeding in public?
How about if I show you this picture?
Each tap is labeled specially for her kids. (Photo credit: Brittni Medina)
*A mom's photo is making the rounds because she flopped out her milk jugs while standing in line at Disneyland. She's offended that others were offended, and now everybody's in a damn tizzy. The real question should be: Why are you taking a 10-month-old to an amusement park? He can't go on any rides. Plus, one of the parents has to wait with the kid while the other one has fun. Babies suck (literally).
*Pix or it didn't happen. Channel 8 Tweeted a ... um... titillating headline yesterday, and THEN LEFT US HANGING! No follow-ups. No posts on their website. No sources cited. On behalf of all of us humans, I demand an explanation. I would also settle for just a video.
*It seems like every week there's a new teacher-student scandal. Michelle Schiffer from Houston hooked up with a former student over the past summer. The 23-year-old World History teacher met up with her then 15-year-old beau in a Chick-Fil-A parking lot. They smoked pot and headed to his friend's house for some extra credit. So I did some digging and found a now defunct Twitter profile for a teacher-- from Houston-- with the same name. I'm guessing it's her.
On Twitter @ginger_snaps94 (Photo credit: Google Images)
We should start a fund to get her some dry shampoo. (Photo credit: KHOU)
*On a related note, no one actually looks like they do on social media IRL. Here's another example.
Dat ass tho (Photo credit: Sizzle)
*We're all guilty of it, and if you say "not me", I don't believe you. Now, I'm off to filter some pix. TGIF and until next time... Stay Weird.
To read the previous Community of Weirdness post, click here.
Cyberstalk me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but be warned... I stalk back.